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Alice (Hughes) Glover (61) and Bill Todd
Ernie Wilson (61) and Mary Jane Winstead (61)

Willie Overton (60), Nancy (Fergeson 61) Overton, Michael Rohr, Bonnie (McKinney 61) Rohr, Roberta (Perkins 61) Freers
Linda Todd, Bill Todd (62), Dennis Eickhoff
Ernie Wilson (61) Alice (Hughes 61) Glover, Chuck Creasey (61)
Jim (62) and Ruth Adams, Linda and Steve (62) Richards
Linda and Steve Richards, Karen (Kattmann) Duvall, Ruth and Jim Adams
Linda and Steve Richards, Dick Duvall, and Faye
Chuck Creasey (61) and Faye (Jones) Edwards (61)
Darrell Davis (61) and Ray (Sonny) Brunnemer (61)

Ernie Wison (61)
Sharon (Todd) Wilson (61), Nancy (Ferguson) Overton (61), Dick Duvall 
Bill Todd and Steve Miller
Charlie Creasser, Jim Adams, Leon Carter, _____
Steve Miller, Steve Richwine, Bill Todd
Mark Williams and Linda Todd
Floyd Slatterlee, Michelle (Stoneburner) Slatterlee,  Jo Ellen Walden
Willie Overton (60), Nancy (Ferguson) Overton (61) Dick Duvall, Karen (Kattmann) Duvall (61)
Sonny Childers, Herb Lepper (61), Ray (Sonny) Brunnemer (61), Ronnie Curren (61)